Yeah...not so much. I was rudely awoken by my darling mother, insulted greatly at the breakfast table, and forced to clean up after my AMAZING bestfriend. I babysat Peyton...which consisted primarily of Black Ops and grocery shopping:) Instead of hanging out with a guy friend (or something of such nature), I spent the day with Rachel and Christi and Aida and Peyton! Mom made some DELICIOUS Cordon Bleu which is simply yummy in my belly. I'm guarded at the moment. All men are the same, they all are going to hurt me. I don't want to deal with any of them, I am just going to wait and wait in my safe little corner until I become an old cat lady. It sounds much safer than getting hurt ever again. OOOOHHH and I finally registered for college...but I'm not really sure what all I am supposed to be doing. In fact, I'm as lost as a headless chicken. :( BUUUUUT I've got some good music and an awesome art class so I'll just float on!
I'm not entirely sure where that picture came from...but I laughed when I saw it.
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